Graduate School
Neurophysiology of Behavioral Control

Prof. Dr. Frank W. Ohl
Coordinator IRTG

Prof. Dr. Bertram Gerber
Coordinator IRTG

Dr. Achim Engelhorn
IRTG Assistant Coordinator
Graduate School Goals
- Qualification of full member and associated PhD students
- Unified quality standards for PhD students
- Compliance with short period of education
- Work-family balance for PhD students with family and kids<
- Enrichment of local scientific community
- Gender Balance
Qualification Concept
The Graduate School will allow training in a broad spectrum of neuroscientific methods, emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach and being harmonized with the OvGU Integrative Neuroscience PhD program.
Within the Graduate School framework, five different types of specific courses will be offered, all aligned and balanced with regards to content and timing:
- Graduate School colloquium (invited speakers, biweekly; selected and organized by the collegiates (see below))
- Graduate School seminar (presentation of own results, fortnightly, alternating with the colloquium)
- Imparting of key qualifications in a lecture series (monthly)
- Additional modules for training hands-on experience and skills as well as technological expertise
- Graduate School retreat (once a year, organized by collegiates)

Graduate College Members

PhD Students on the Rise
Graduate School Scientific Environment
The CRC 779 Graduate School works seamlessly to integrate with the Magdeburg neuroscientific community, thereby both complementing and extending existing research structures — especially with regards to systemic neurosciences.

Embedding of the Graduate School in the existing structure of graduate promotion and funding. Blue: superordinate OvGU institutions; green: DFG-funded instruments; orange: Leibniz-funded instruments; violett: EU-funded instruments; grey: CBBS as a base-organisation of Magdeburg neurosciences.
Management Structure

Collegiates comprise project- and associated PhD students. Together with both the graduate students speaker and the Graduate School speakers, the GS coordinator organizes the Graduate School program. The speakers maintain exchange with the participating faculties, the academic structures and the CRC 779 board of directors.
For further details please contact the Graduate School coordinator: achim.engelhorn(A)